How to Do EFT Video

A Gift to Yourself

  • weight loss
  • depression
  • trauma
  • phobias
  • stress and anxiety
  • grief
  • interpersonal difficulties
  • and more.

You Can Be a Soulful Empowered Woman Living Your Dreams!

Are you feeling…

  • that you are just coasting and there is more to your life and career than this?
  • uninspired by your everyday job?
  • frustrated because you know where you want to be but there's something holding you back?
  • certain in your gut that You are here to share your talents in a bigger way?
  • challenged in finding the way to manifest your ideal career, your dream life?

As women, we often feel there is a glass ceiling to our goals. We can go so far and then it's the end of the road. We doubt ourselves and have a million inner voices telling us we can't get where we want to be.

We might think that to achieve our dream career we have to work harder and longer hours… and we are not interested in that. We do plenty as it is!

There is another way…

Working smarter not harder is not just a cute saying. If we get in touch with our inner guidance, use our intuition, our energetic magnetism to attract what we desire, we can reach the stars!

Yes, it "sounds easy." You might think to yourself, "I am very aware it is not!" I have been there. I understand how it is to feel discouraged and with dreams piling up in the closet, bursting to be freed and manifested!

I know that there are fears and negative beliefs that prevent us from getting there. We are afraid that if we try, we'll fail. Or if we make it "they" will expect too much of us until they suck us dry.

We may not believe we are ready yet. We need to learn so much more, we still have our struggles… We are not perfect yet… And the worst part… "they" will find out…

Using EFT and other powerful techniques, I will guide you to gently and easily release the blocks and negative beliefs that are sabotaging your career, and your life.

My Mission:

I am passionate about helping Professional Women break free of the blocks that hold them back from experiencing the life they were born to live, sharing their unique talents with the world, earning their full potential, creating the life of their dreams in every way!

My Gift to You - Complimentary 20 Minute Discovery Session

Contact me now to arrange a complimentary 20 minute Discovery Session where we'll discuss how, by using simple EFT techniques, you can relieve your internal conflicts, taking the first step to transform yourself, and become the Soulful Empowered Woman you were born to be and have the life you want!

Contact Laura: or (413) 530-4174.