How to Do EFT Video

A Gift to Yourself

  • weight loss
  • depression
  • trauma
  • phobias
  • stress and anxiety
  • grief
  • interpersonal difficulties
  • and more.

Testimonials: What People Are Saying…

David's Story:

"I'm an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Trainer and have been exchanging sessions by Skype with Laura to work on my own issues. She has helped me enormously to identify and resolve my blocks to being authentic, centered, caring and effective in my marriage, as a father, in my industrial business, as a counselor and trainer, and at the helm of the Hispanic EFT Association.

Her non-judgmental manner, fine mind and intuitive heart make her an outstanding practitioner. It's often not easy to see our way clear when working on our own issues and Laura has guided me with gentle clarity through many of them. There aren't many people I would trust as I do Laura. Very, very highly recommended!" David Mackay, EFT Practitioner and Head of the Hispanic EFT Association

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Ana's Story:

"I am Ana, and I am starting a new life.

My childhood was not easy, and I've had plenty of challenges.

I was raised by my grand-mother, and I still don't know who my real mother is. The man that I considered the love of my life died after betraying me physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Despite all these challenges I felt hopeful, and my desire to be a mother lead me to become a foster parent and adopt 4 young children.

Little did I know how these amazing beings were going to remind me of my own challenges and unresolved childhood issues. So… someone recommended therapy.

That is what lead me to work with Laura, and with her I found solace, a person that not only truly saw me, but also taught me to use new tools (especially EFT Tapping) to release traumas lodged in me.

I look forward to our sessions and I know I always leave her office feeling lighter, happier, more in touch with myself and better able to mother my children. I learned to take care of myself, have a more balanced life and I really understood that if I am in a better place so are my children.

I feel so grateful that God has lead me to find a caring, compassionate, intuitive, kind and loving soul to guide me in my journey. Thank You, Laura for all you've done for me and my family!" Ana

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Isabella's Story:

"I am feeling so emotional and happy to see the positive results that I've had working with you and tapping! It's amazing how many memories I had that were buried, that I could not remember. Yet as we tapped in our sessions, they came back and I started to heal them.

I have been feeling happier. I feel motivated to do more in my life. As you know, I hardly got out of the house due to my depression. A huge weight has been lifted from my heart and I have broken free of guilt. I feel empowered, since I am now able to tap when something upsetting comes up and after a few rounds, I feel great relief.

The sessions have been Awesome and I am truly grateful and honored to have met you!" Isabella